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学名:Dendrelaphis caudolineatus
A species of the Dendrelaphis caudolineatus group, characterized by the combination of 1) black longitudinal stripes along the entire length of the body, 8 stripes at midbody; 2) a pale ventrolateral stripe along the entire length of the body; 3) a black postocular stripe is absent, rarely rudimentary; 4) 171–180 ventrals (males), 171–185 ventrals (females); 5) 101–113 subcaudals; 6) relative tail-length 0.250–0.280; 7) 4–7 temporal scales on each side; 8) 9–11 infralabials on each side; 9) 3–5 scales touching the posterior borders of the parietal scales; 10) maximum total length males 98.5 cm, females 141.5 cm [from VAN ROOIJEN & VOGEL 2012].Sexual dimorphism. On average, males have 174 ventral scales and 104 subcaudals whereas females have 178 ventral scales and 108 subcaudals (F = 9.4; df = 1; p = 0.01, F = 9.4; df = 1; p = 0.01). Females grow larger than males (see description)